Trading derivative products such as foreign exchange carry a high level of risk to your capital. You may lose all of your initial investment and more, so do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. Please make sure you are fully aware of all the risks involved by referring to the Risk Warning on our website and if have any doubts or queries, please seek independent financial advice. Carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and risk appetite before deciding to trade in foreign exchange, as the high level of leverage involved can work both for and against you. These products are not suitable for all investors and are not available at all to individuals under the age of 18.
The content on our website and other promotional material (the “Content”) has been produced for informational purposes only, NOT as individual investment advice and may be subject to change. While we have made every effort to ensure that our Content is accurate and up to date, the information contained therein may be incomplete. We neither guarantee nor accept responsibility for the accuracy, reliability or completeness of this Content. None of the Content implies a contractual relationship in any way.
The information contained on our website is not an invitation to trade any specific investments. Trading requires risking money in pursuit of future gain. Doing so is strictly your decision. Please note that the information on our website does not consider your own individual financial and personal circumstances. If in doubt, seek advice and verification as to what is suitable for your specific needs and circumstances from your investment professional. Failure to seek detailed and specific personally tailored advice prior to acting may result in you acting against your own best interests and may lead to losses of capital.
All hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations since they do not represent actual trading. The impact of various market factors, such as liquidity, may be under-or-over compensated for, since trades are not actually executed. Simulated trading programs are designed with the benefit of hindsight and no representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown by the program. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance.
By using FTV Trading AG, you hereby acknowledge that you are familiar with all the aforementioned risks and that you are solely responsible for the outcomes of all of your decisions. We do not accept any liability whatsoever (whether direct, indirect, consequential or indeed any other kind of loss or damage) arising from the use of our product and website.
FTV Trading AG
Birmensdorferstrasse 123, 8003 Zurich
Telephone: +41 435 081 383
UID Swiss Business Identification number: CHE470923018
© 2025 by FTV Trading AG